Friday, September 9, 2016

Kiss Rocks Vegas lp review

So the double lp comes triple gatefold with the DVD in the center. I have not played the lp's yet but the packaging is chock full of photos which are fantastic. The main thing is the DVD. I assume this one show is complied by the best moments from their nine show residence at the Joint in the Hard Rock Vegas. I really disliked the Symphony DVD for all of the overdone camera cut aways and glaring visuals that made my eyes hurt. This one has flash but is done much much better. Visually it is very high quality and outstanding camera work. The band hits a few bad notes here and there but it makes it more real, not overly added to in the editing afterwards. I was amazed at the perfomance of the band. Each member plays in top form considering how late in the season it is for this band.
I have seen many other shows that weren't as good as on this DVD. Sometimes Paul can't hit the notes but he sure gives it everything he has. Gene is Gene and as usual gives a stellar performance. I like that they are playing stuff from Creatures here and the title track from that lp sounds fantastic here. Paul shouts, "hey Vegas how we doin?" A few too many times, but that's Paul doing his thing. Still to me the greatest frontman in rock and roll and no... There is no Kiss without him or Gene. Eric Singer does a great job too. He makes it look easy. At times he seems almost overqualified to be in Kiss and it's a shame to me he never got his own makeup design. Which brings me to Tommy Thayer which to me has his own swagger eventhough he's playing Ace Frehleys style. He should have his own design too. I have enjoyed Aces new lp and would rather not see another Kiss reunion but if they made a new record it might be cool to have all surviving members contribute to a new lp? I dislike the Arena Football thing. Not rock and roll. We have new Toys on the way and new lunch boxes are out now. Check out Kiss my wax on you tube if you collect Kiss vinyl... It is totally fun for kiss geeks filled with detailed observations on each lp.
There is a few buying options of this Vegas thing and as a life long fan I would recommend this one highly.
Oh yeah... Not flimsy vinyl like the old days either. Thick quality 140 gram vinyl.
Top notch packaging too. So if you don't feel good there's a way you could....
Shout it out loud! 
Hopefully Kiss will play one more Los Angeles Gig. If they do I will see you there!
Get the party started!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Middle of the year 2016

Things have turned around a bit. I am really enjoying making art lately and it shows in recent paintings. I was real uncertain about showing in galleries again but I told myself to get over my shyness and get the work out there for folks to enjoy. I had lots of great paintings just sitting in my studio and it all just needed to get shown and seen. I worked on a series of 20 paintings for my uncle who has been a life long fan of my drawings and paintings. They are mostly vintage cartoons and television personalities he loves. He was so happy to get them each month. He visited my shop when he picked them up each month and each time I bought him a coke and he gave me the bottle to paint so I have 20 or so of those too. 
My family on my moms side is still doing pretty well lately in spite of a few rough patches and my wife and dog are healthy and still by my side. I feel pretty lucky. Pop Kustom Shoppe is doing good lately too even getting orders from my etsy online shoppe in the last few days.
Decided to get back to my diet class again next week trying to get fitter again. 
Kale juicing again and that kind of thing.
I finally cleaned out our old stereo cabinet last month that was crammed with papers and kind of a catch all for awhile.
I had the old techniques reciever we bought years ago when we were doing pretty good and we decided to treat ourselves to a good stereo. The Sony CD player was still there and working but the old techniques turntable belts were slipping. I had got a Ion digital one for my computer and hooked that one up instead and it plays great. The old Bose speakers still worked too. The most fun has been being able to play vinyl again. I used to work at a record store years back so I have lots to get to. The best part is just enjoying what I have. Enjoying what's already there in my life.
I started to clean the studio a bit yesterday and I may get out some old guitars soon.
I hope to see you all at my new art show in a week or two. Maybe talk records guitars and art some? All the details of my show are on my website: (or)
The gallery is on Main Street in downtown el segundo, CA which is a breezy beach street with lots of food options and a great place to take a stroll and enjoy the night and the gallery features art, books, toys, music and video, clothing and all kinds of fun things.
Pretty sure Sapporo beer is sponsoring it too so you got that going for you, which is nice... See you there!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Power Con Saturday 2016

Had a quick fun time at power con. No sign of pixel Dan or the four horsemen (I guess they had a panel going). 

I picked up some exclusive toys and hunted the floor for loose figures for sale but it was pretty packed and tough to search the bins. Kind of what I was expecting but really enjoyed the fact that it was just one small room. 

As I said the horsemen were not at their booth but I got photos of some of their figs. Really dig the pelican guy. These were sold out for the day already I was told and I was there early.

Talked to Skeletora some and I should have got evil Lynn who was there too. Dang! Sorry E, next time. Stay wicked.

Program, Slime can m.ot.u.s.c.l.e. Figures super seven exclusive and sorceress figure I picked up.

So I picked up Red Mini Comic Beastman as my exclusive. I really wanted green Granymr but that was $110.00 and Beastman was 50. Also got the exclusive green slime Motuscle figures from super seven. These are an homage to the slime can that came with the slime pit but this contains translucent slime green mini Motu figures instead of slime (which I am pretty sure Mattel stopped making years ago).
Also got a sorceress figure for about half price. Gotta clean her up and maybe repair the legs. One I wanted. Also wanted a Saurod figure but he was 50 for the classic version which was too much.

My favorite thing I picked up from a indie toy maker named Marty Hansen from (also He has this guy in black and also small figures that are interchangeable pegs so you can swap out their parts. I am going to keep an eye out for more from Marty and Kabuto Mushi toys. 

Until next time, good journey!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Steady as she goes

Had a rough patch of temptation. Made it through. I got real dehydrated and was not getting the right nutrition and it threw me. Did some light work on my tiny treadmill. Drinking lots of water this week and less coffee. Getting good sleep too. Went to see a movie yesterday which was nice. Feeling happy.