Monday, January 24, 2022

I keep saying “I need a new start…” well, that finally happened...


That’s my new logo and new moniker “Scoocher” which is a combination of my two names. It was also a nickname my family and friends called me. (Lots of variations of it like “Scooter” and “Scooch”….) I was never really into one name monikers like “Fonzie” but since our family and I have gone through so much these past couple of years a change was needed.

2022 was ready or not when my wife and her family (all my in-laws) left Southern California. Our nephew and his wife found work and moved to where we all wound up.

My health was and still is kind of shaky right now but improving. My wife had to do all the driving and the majority of packing everything to get us here. I never knew how much more my love for her would grow so much during this time. She never once complained and she took such good care of myself and our dog along the way.

It’s good to be here with our whole family. My Mom, Stepdad and Sister are still in California but I write them often to let them know how we are. I’m eating better food and making better choices in order to improve my current health. Going to the doctor for a check up soon.

Going through all my clutter and I am separating what I will keep and what I will sell. Lots of toys and action figures will go on sale in my online shop soon. Lots of He Man, ninja turtles, Star Wars figures, hot wheels, marvel figures and lots more. I just have way too much of it I collected at flea markets over the years. What I keep will get displayed in my new studio media room. I’m thinking of a name for that space like “Scoocher’s Creative Cave”…I’m planning to paint a mural in there eventually when I get time. I may look into getting a spot at the local antique mall as soon as I get bit all sorted. Could be fun. 

I’m planning new videos for you tube and for my main website (or You probably found my blog from there I’m guessing. I will be adding lots more images to my portfolio page there so you can see more of my art. I also added an “Uncle Bill” page there. I have been making paintings for him the last few years. He loves old movies and cartoons like me and we both enjoy making up fun ideas for the old characters. I check in with him often to catch up and get the next painting assignment. He alway remembered my birthday growing up and often gave me the best presents like Kiss albums, mad magazine books, subscriptions to comic books, how to draw marvel comics book etc… he always and still does believe in me. I love him very much.

My online shop is retuning very soon with lots of new things. It’s taking time to get things sorted for sale right now and I have to figure out a good home mailing system too. I’m working on it. I appreciate your patience. If there is something already posted for sale on the site and you want it sooner just buy it and I will get it mailed to you. (that’s my online shop, click it to go there…)

Thank you for reading my blog, going to my website and shopping at my online shop. Much more is on the way this year. I am more dedicated than ever to bring you new art and content this year. I hope you all are healthy and happy and on a good path with life.

Stay tuned and god bless you all, Scoocher

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