I have been told to succeed in business I need to work on my online presence. I don't like to post my art on the Internet. It cheapens it. I have a physical shop that I display my art in and sometimes I work there too. (Here comes the promo info...) It is in a craft warehouse called Crafted in San Pedro, California. I also have a website www.scottaicher.com with links to my etsy shop. I am on pintrest, Instagram, and facebook.
I don't post a lot of my work unless it is for sale or has been shown already. I have a studio at home that is overflowing with art I have not shown yet. Art has become almost every minute of the day. Social media removes me from making art and turns me into a sales robot. I worked for many years making digital art in Photoshop etc... And it disconnected me from things that are real. Like the flowers in my wife's garden or the colors in the morning sunrise.
Isolation can occur if all you do is stay in your studio or watch tv. Inspiration is found by research and exploration of nature. That is where the flow is. To make good art you develop your connection to the flow that is universal and shared by everyone. Some days are better than others. To be connected to your own flow it is best not to be too concerned and just let it happen. Which is how I try to live everyday.
I have painting to do now, so I am going to get to it. Then I am going to play fetch with my dog.
Don't worry... I am sure I will be back online soon enough.