Doctor told me to start a fitness class and set up other appointments to help me out so I got all that going now.
Very nice people in my class and great instructors. All kinds of encouragement from them all and the owner told me about his wife who started the center and how he is keeping it going in her memory. My thanks to all of them for helping me and taking the time to help me get it going.
Good radio stations here. On the road to the fitness center my wife saw a local produce warehouse that is open one day a week to the public and she is going to check that out soon.
My beard farming is going strong too. My nephew said it’s “lookin rowdy” guess it’s going to keep growing…
Our dog saw how much I’m trying and gave me a big hug today and lots of kisses. My wife has been so good to me.
Thought you might like this photo of an old printing press like the ones at the old shop I worked at years ago. I always loved the way they looked and they ran like the blazes all day long…clackitey, claketey, clack… sometimes they haunt my dreams still, but nothing like seeing your work right off the press after setting up the plates all day.
I still have to check out the local print shop here but I’m too busy yet to get to my print job I need done.
I’m feeling good and keeping after it. Hope you all are doing well. Take Care, until next time- Happy Trails and God Bless,
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