Saturday, April 2, 2022

Gratitude of Scoocher


At this time in my life I am filled with gratitude. I have received so much love from family and friends that kept me on a path to where I am now. I got here by making better choices. I have my studio with things I collected along the way. I purged a bit of it recently and when we moved all I kept to where we are now I am having a great time going through it. I have a better appreciation for it all. Looking at old photos in the studio I realized things were not always as great as I remembered them. I worked hard to get here. My wife taught me what’s important in life. We stayed home while our friends went out to save money. We went to flea markets to find things for our home. We often went with our whole family and our friends. I had good jobs. I worked in a print shop for years doing any type of art job they had. I worked at a record store on weekends and learned about collecting records from my boss there and my uncle. I learned how to have fun with a small budget. In the last few years every now and then I bought a record or two from art job money I earned. It’s getting too expensive for me now for that but I have a good collection to dig through and find things. My old studio was so small that I had clutter in front of all my albums and rarely played them. For a few years my stereo was not even hooked up. My studio had become a cluttered catch all. I am grateful for my new space. I have a window where I can look out to the front yard and another window to watch birds and bugs fly by. I’m grateful for this new clean air each day. Out of the smog and truck pollution. I’m ready to watch my wife’s new garden grow. Our dog is getting the walks he always deserved. He is so full of joy here. The local market has very good things and the people here have welcomed us with so much love. It’s amazing. I’m thanking god for each day. I am grateful to be where I am. 

I will be making You Tube videos soon. I am off all other social media now. I’m focused on getting healthy. I went to the doctor recently to get a check up. I’m eating better. Gave up all soda. Trying to limit sugar. Gave up my beloved bagels. Next is getting exercise. My doctor gave me a recommendation for a fitness place that starts real easy and that’s what I plan to do. Swimming. I got new trunks and a swim shirt this week. I got compression socks to help my legs. I have been letting my hair and beard grow. Might trim my hair this summer but I want to see how long I can grow my beard. My wife loves the beard and if she’s happy with it so am I. She says it makes me look like a man of god. I'm trying to stay focused on the righteous path, you know? The worst thing I have done lately is have a few oatmeal raisin cookies.

I’m getting better at updating my website each week now and I have more time for it. I am grateful for that. I still have so much I have to work on. Lots to learn. Trying to get stronger each day. 

-Scoocher April 2, 2022

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