Made this drawing today just for fun. Did any of you go to Creatures Fest? Any Vinnie Vincent fans out there? It was his comeback show and all three former Kiss guitarists played in front of a big Tank with no drummer just a tape. Peter Criss the original Kiss drummer was there and played a few songs on a different day and singed autographs by his drum kit.
Might not be many more of these things later. I had fun watching the videos people posted. It took place In Nashville.
Lots of fans called it part of “Kisstory”.

After getting good news about a family member coming home from the hospital today and answered prayers that he will be fine I went to the porch and found my new blinds got here early. I was so excited that I waited to open my new Kiss record which is what I was expecting today.
I quickly dragged the two boxes into the studio and opened them. I was not sure if they were the blinds or my new shelves. Both were on the way. I really needed the blinds the most. There was only one window with a white blind up when we got here and it was broken and could not open. The other smaller window was missing a blind completely and we had a lace curtain hung up just to keep some of the sun and heat out.
I moved everything away from the window and rapidly began taking down the old hardware on the window. My hands got tired fast and the tips of my fingers began tingling and getting numb from over stretching too fast and probably from not enough water and taking time to cool down.
I was trying to get them both up before my wife got home. I was getting frustrated trying to put up the new brackets properly. The hastier I was the more I kept messing things up. I asked the lord for help and he said to slow down, catch my breath, let my hands rest, drink some water and cool off.
I saw my wife driving up our block early so I quickly took out the screws I put up wrong and cleaned up a bit. I guess she would know before I could surprise her with having it all done.
She walked in and I went to the couch with a cool water.
She saw I was attempting another project on my own which she knows I sometimes do a sloppy job. She saw my failed extra holes I had put in the window frame. Some drywall on my new chair. The window was dirty. Drywall flakes on my new rug.
I was almost done though and was taking a break. A few months ago thing kind of thing for me was impossible because of how bad my health was. Because of my new fitness routine I have learned to go slower and not get overly rushed to finish. I learned that if it’s painful in some way stop, breathe and try again or take a break if I need it.
I went back in and started the screws by hand first and used shorter screws. Then got them the rest of the way with the power drill. It worked!
The rest was easy… they just clicked in and so did the wand for opening them. I thought maybe the pull string for them was tucked in the top I had now just put in place and kind of panicked because I should have checked that first.
My wife showed me that the modern blinds just pull down and pull up without a string now. What a relief!
A job well done! Going to give it another day or so before I put the small one up but I know how it goes now. Should be easy next time.

My record was in perfect shape! I also got the cd and have been enjoying the show and glad to have this one for my collection.
Also got a great bunch of signed books, a shirt and bookmarks from Iris Berry from Punk Hostage Press.
I will put them up for sale on my website this week and since I illustrated them I will sign them too so they will have both of our signatures. Keep checking my website this week for when those go on sale.
Thanks for reading! Keep after it everone! -Scoocher