Sunday, June 19, 2022

Birthday time


You says it’s your birthday? Was my birthday too yeah! Some big dude turned 80? Well I turned double nickels that day too. Had a great day and finally got the second new blind up in the studio. It was a big struggle and I pushed too much too fast and set off my carpel tunnel in both hands and forearms! Ouch! They are a lot better today but I still have more to go to be able to get things done like I used to around the house.

My nephew and I were talking barbecue sauce last week and he told me about the Jank which is my new favorite sauce. Almost went through the whole bottle in a few weeks. So he recommended a few more and I told him I would pick them up but, surprise! Big gift bag o sauce with a hilarious card! So good to have him close by. I’m glad he and his wife found this spot we are in. This was a moment I will never forget. Looks like I’m collecting barbecue sauce now. I made it a thing. Love to you all, thanks for reading-Scoocher


  1. Looks great. Have a great barbecue today.

  2. Looks good. Enjoy the sauce. Live long a prosper πŸ––

  3. Happy birthday πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰
