Friday, July 29, 2022
My favorite rock group…
Thursday, July 28, 2022
‘Nuther Sauce Review
For lunch my wife made cheese chips with guacamole so she put a generous amount on her dish. I tried a bit on a chip but did not get enough on the first time to really taste it good so I got another chip and put on a good amount.
When I read the bottle I thought this was going to be extra hot an my nephew might be trying to punish me for something.
It was great! Good heat but not so much that’s all to the taste. I forgot how good green hot sauce is and this was so good. Great green chili flavor and not overly salty. Thought about possibly tomorrows breakfast being some eggs topped with easy melt and this here hot sauce. Thank you younger nephew. Loved this very much. Your older brother would love this.
Speaking of him…he and his wife got me a mess of barbecue sauces to try for my birthday this year. This is the third bottle.
It’s Called Absolutely Wild Barbecue Sauce. Today I was having a bowl of leftover Chili Mac for lunch and this was the next sauce to pop open and what in Texas does not work well with barbecue sauce….it’s one of the first things you get when you get here. Probably goes good on ice cream.
Mixed in this one but not too well to leave some basic chili Mac flavor spots in the bowl. Put two slices of easy melt on top stuck it back in the nuke to melt it on top but did not mix it in. Saved that cheese for last forkful. Did not think this had heat but as you know, I just opened this one and heat takes time after the pop to make its announcement most times. As I was working on it my nose started running. So there you go. Some kick like the cowboy riding the horse on the bottle.
We still got chicken legs to grill up later so I may update this one. I got to get that grill going soon. I keep on talking about it. I’ll make that happen.
Older Nephew writes his own music and records it on his computer. I have things to learn from him still. He’s strong like a bull and very caring and loving.
Love these guys so much! So lucky to have them here.
They have never left me anytime I can ever remember without giving me a hug. Can you imagine that? I’m so grateful for them. God Bless You Boys!
Thanks for reading… updates on the way soon.
Gotta hook up the propane tank. Buon Appetito!
-Uncle Scoocher
Texas Bluebonnets
I wanted a Genuine Fender Telecaster. I had a few Squiers which I still have and love but I was searching for the one this time. Searching for one that had mojo. He stayed with me most of the day and showed me a Mexican Made model that was in my price range. It was an FSR which I think means “Fender Special Release”. You knew that by the oval sticker on the back headstock.
I played the American made in USA and it was very nice. You could notice the quality as Norm pointed out. If I had to wait and save and get it later it would have been worth it for sure, but it was too much guitar for me. I would have left it in the case like the trade in guitar.
I wanted to start a band and record a song too. It needed to sound good. I was looking specifically for Pete Townsend, Waylon Jennings and Chrissy Hynde. Let’s not forget Joe Strummer and D.Boon.
It needed to have rocket sauce as well as twangle jangle. She was perfect. I named her after my sister. Went back to taking lessons (this was what you call mid life for me).
Talked to some friends who knew how to get it done and we recorded two songs. It took time. My friends almost literally help me keep standing and going and never let me stop. Could not have got there alone.
Forward to today. I had let myself slide for awhile. Got unhealthy with my weight again which led to all those things doctor warn chunky dudes about. Knees go. Joints freeze up. Aches, all that kind of action was beginning.
Last time I said was last time so this time I just finally said to myself, “get a good doctor and pay attention”. Just did what he suggested. When he told me his recommendation worked for his wife that gave me so much hope. God Bless My Doctor!
Sometime this month I was putting together my new art room studio and took out my guitars. Got some wall hangers for them and eventually got back to this guitar I named after my sister. It was just as it was when I got it. I decided it was time for a name change and a new pickguard identity. I did all that but hung it back up and did not really even play it.
After getting a good laugh and seeing Steve’s video today I took it off the wall. Checked out my cable chords I had left. One is cloth wrapped and looks cool but plugged it in and noting. I had my Fender Princeton plugged in (for you guitar fanatics it’s solid state not luxury tube amp, but I’m still dreaming about one someday).
I love this amp. I got it from the paper want ads went to a dudes house and bought it for I think 100 bucks. Always wanted a Princeton since I started when I was about 13 years old. Still love my amp.
Plugged in the more standard traditional heavy duty regular cable I had and went to town. Was good to feel the satin neck finish and tickle the fret board. Bend some notes. Muffle some picking, adjust some amp settings, dial the tone knobs.
I played some sloppy jarrbled patterns and tried some chord progressions. Tried remembering some old songs I would warm up with. Played some Nausea by the Band X. Some Germs Shutdown (is that song originally by the band F-Word? I saw Rik L. Rik before at “Fender’s” club in Long Beach way back. This is turning into a Fender promo now…)
The body is ash. Which is has a transparent wood finish that is super glossy and bright. The neck is more satin which feels really nice and it’s thinner so it easy for me to play. The frets are polished nice and no sharp points on them to slow me down. The strings really ring out on it. Plugged in makes gives it the groove and I love just hearing the amp hiss.
Am I the only one that thinks too much about wasting electricity when my amp is on? I kind of feel like when it’s on the meter is running so start after it.
My guitar strap I got in San Pedro at a music store called Alva’s Music. I’m wondering how Art who worked there now is doing. He used to work on my guitar projects I brought in at times. I have a few of those still and one day I will talk about them too.
My strap is by a company called Souldier. It’s kind of rainbow colored psychedelic flower shapes. They make straps out of old repurposed car seatbelt materials I think they are a small USA business still. They had lots to choose from at Alva’s. Those old seat belts bring me back to the 70’s. The top is kind of yarn stitch cottony soft fabric so you can easily stick on button badges. Left mine blank for now. Hey, just remembered I got an Amoeba records die cast pin I could stick on there today….
I ordered a hat from Norms online recently and got that this week in the mail. Got it to wear to my fitness class to keep my hair back. It had stickers and a pick included so I got picking. Norm himself is recovering from a health issue now and is doing great. A reminder to me to not let fun get away from me so much.
So, today right now… for those about to rock…
Salude! -Scoocher
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Message in a Bottle, whoa oh…
Not just a terrible song by Sting and pals (I remember going to see a local cover band when that song was in heavy rotation and they changed the lyrics to a dirty version about massaging something. Made me laugh for years. Sting would not have been amused at all.)
My point is… I’m thinking this blogging is a message in a bottle in a way. I send out the posts and someday someone will reply. I truthfully like just journaling. Seems to help me.
No pressure and not asking for comments from anyone.
Grateful anyone reads them. It’s really just for me getting over my insecurities and I’m better at organizing my thoughts through writing them down. Sometimes finding the words takes time for me. I really should be putting this on paper not a blog.
I was ready to make videos to share and I just don’t feel comfortable trying to be a good host of some kind. I may want to try that again later. I set up my iPad and tried out making some videos but truthfully they were bad. The kids call that cringy now.(formerly embarrassing) I’m also telling this so you know why I did not join the vinyl community post people like I said I would. The kids call that being transparent. (Formerly being honest)
Anyhoo….(now know as “that being said….”) my dad always said I do everything the hard way. He’s right because most everything worth doing in life is hard. There is value to hard work. Not that I claim to be a hard worker. Just the opposite. I find things I enjoy doing. I try things. I found I always loved drawing as a kid. I still love it. I have drawn when I didn’t feel like it. I have been the most lucky to have been for the most part able to draw what I liked or most times loved.
They say do what you love for living and you will never work a day in your life. Well, Paul Stanley said that and it’s true, but please don’t go electing him or anyone from the Rock Band Kiss President. While we are talking Paul Stanley…I like that he paints too for enjoyment and relaxation, but I do at times wonder if the maid paints ones he signs now and then.
Jeff Koons built his art career this way. Other celebrities are possibly trying out this too. (Watching you Gene, you as well Mr.Depp) still…is it wrong? No law saying you can’t sign someone else’s painting you had them make and take credit if you did it legal and paid them. That’s capitalism. Freedom too.
Just my observation. Not a mad rant. I’m grateful for people like my brother in law who fought to protect our freedom here. Him and every American Soldier who has protected our rights. I Thank God we still have some rights left here.
I’m not an expert on politics. I’m trying to find truths like everyone. Mostly I’m trying to improve myself. I’m learning now and then from mistakes I make. Trying to be a better listener and realize real change takes time.
Kind of just wanted to put down some “random” (those kids again) thoughts. Thanks for reading and you know the other thing they say “probably delete this later” (some kind of one of those letter things for that like LOL which means Look Out Louie or maybe Laugh out loud.
Now I think I’m supposed to say “but I digress…”
I’ll be here all week…tip your waitress. Thank You and Good Day…
I said “Good Day Sir!”
-Wilder as Wonka
Oh Yeah, got some new patches to send out with my shoppe orders. Full transparency FYI… I love them!
Support small business (like my shoppe store) much appreciated yatta yatta mundatta….
Oh Kids, FYI Sting was a popular musician from the 1980’s who made us all too aware of tantric intercourse and he is rumored to be a legendary expert. His real name is Gordon, not sure if he’s ever been considered a fisherman or if he even likes fish sticks. Seriously, he probably does have a sense of humor. That’s all for today…
Choco Taco…really gone?
I’m hearing the Choco Taco is no more today…what? My wife and I had such love for them. We got them at our local liquor store then I remembered how excited we were to see them at our fast food restaurant we went to then.
They say it might not be over yet…someone may take over ownership and keep it going. We all know how that worked out for twinkies…. They came back zombie twinkies. None of the original taste just some kind of healthy cruddy no fat clone experiment was what we got back when they announced it’s return.
If you like zombie twinkies knock yer self out… they got them still I think. Someday that might be all we got left is zombie twinkies and I might have to learn to love them as much as avacados… which is growing on me. Not a big fan of eating it plain, but my nephew makes a choice guacamole and that got me dipping my chip in. His wife made us a really nice Adobo when we got to Texas. I’m making myself hungry now.
So long for now Choco Taco. If you make it back our way again please don’t be some kind of future hybrid robot virtual version. Just have all that Chocolate, Waffle, Caramel and Vanilla Ice Cream loaded with nuts. Even nuttier than this time we are in now.
Yes, I’m trying to control my sugar too so maybe go easy on me while you chill out for now. Pretty sure you will be back. Probably in time for dessert too…
Stay Frosty! -Scoocher
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Thought I’d something more to say…
Looked online this week for things I think I need. Got some new canvas and sketch pads. Ordered some things from small businesses too.
The picture is of a few of my Shogun Warriors and K2SO droid from Star Wars on one of my new shelves I recently put up in the studio. Still really proud of myself for going to fitness class and getting healthier… enough to get this done. Somehow I knew I would get it done myself in time. God Bless my doctor and my friends support at fitness class. Long way to go yet. Big improvement all the same.
Picked up a vinyl lp record by The Nerves called One Way Ticket. I have listened to them for years and the members other bands too like The Plimsouls. Finally got around to getting this best of compilation album. Their song you might know is “hanging on the telephone” which the band Blondie covered and had a radio hit with back in the day. Both versions are great. Peter Case is one of my favorite singer songwriters. Saw him live a few times. He has a great sounding voice and he used to teach songwriting at Mc Cabes in Santa Monica, CA as I recall.
Played some old records last night too. Blasters debut lp on Slash Records, fIREHOSE if’n lp on Sst Records… long time since my wife and I spun that one. Brought back some memories and was good to hear that one.
Working Man by Rush playing on the radio right now. Finishing my coffee. Hope you are finding some kind of happiness or whatever you’re after today. Grateful for all who are reading my blog.
Projects getting done and art to share with all of you shortly… stay tuned… Thank You and God Bless You,
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Life is a bowl of Cherries!
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
All the way to Memphis….
Monday, July 18, 2022
Today’s Victory. Complete Studio.
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Gratitude for a great day today
Saturday, July 9, 2022
Four Escobar Sauce Review 2022 Updated!
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Fitness Class is what’s happening…
Been going to fitness class. It’s called Silver Sneakers. Getting mobility back which is really nice. Having better luck getting up stairs. Got to work on balance more but I started on it this week. Really enjoying my new friends in class and love the instructors. Not one bit of judgement for my size just encouragement.
It’s by the river and you can sort of see it from the window. I checked out the pool this week. Not ready to swim yet but it looks nice and it’s indoors. Most days I got my stylish compression socks on. Helps the gout out. Got some really sporty slip on extra wide silver work out sneakers I am breaking in still. My feet get so swollen it’s tough to jam my feet in them but they got some sweet cushion.
My size still keeps me from some flexing and now and then I sit one out but I’m paying attention to what I need to work up to.
I’m getting more oxygen to my brain here. The air is clean. I have had asthma my whole life and when I was young I had a real hard time playing sports (I did though. Baseball, Soccer, skateboarding)
We have so much to see and I am in no rush. I want to savor this place. Get to know it slow. Our nephew got a new barbecue with a smoker so I am really hoping for some smoked trout. It’s been way too long since I last went fishing and I’m ready to get back to it.
I got my ronco pocket fisherman still. My uncle had one he used to bring fishing and a while back I got one one E pay. I got to try mine out soon.
This weeks top album is my new copy of National Hoosier by Otis Gibbs. I really enjoy his YouTube videos and my wife and I both love this album. Great artwork even on the inner labels. Sounds really great. Nice flat thick vinyl. The songs are just right. Very comforting and truthful with a lot of heart.
I think I need more of this music from him and Amy too.
Had a bit of depression and prayed for guidance. I was having trouble sleeping. Started thinking about a mural I want to paint. I remembered in college a teacher had a poster with the Lion laying down with the Lamb. He told me the way it went in the Bible so I looked it up because I was already up and awake. The internet had a different version with a wolf. I talked with my wife about it when she got up and she said they changed it. I have a physical bible and I will check that next time.
I might take a nap soon or turn in early. Feeling better now.
One thing I am wondering also. I have an Ion turntable my mom bought me for my birthday at Costco years ago. It’s the kind that hooks up to a computer or old stereo.
My old receiver is a techniques I believe. Sony CD player that’s the good one. From the 90’s with Bose bookshelf speakers. That’s my good stereo. Is this okay for mofi records? Anybody got advice for me?
My new affordable player is an all in one Victrola model. Has a ceramic needle and they say it’s not good for the records but that’s my main player and I love the low fi sound better truthfully. Not sure why.
Should I save up and get something new if I’m going to get audiofile records? If you have some advice please post it in the comments.
Thanks for reading my rambling. Love to you all, Scoocher