Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Choco Taco…really gone?

I’m hearing the Choco Taco is no more today…what? My wife and I had such love for them. We got them at our local liquor store then I remembered how excited we were to see them at our fast food restaurant we went to then.

They say it might not be over yet…someone may take over ownership and keep it going. We all know how that worked out for twinkies…. They came back zombie twinkies. None of the original taste just some kind of healthy cruddy no fat clone experiment was what we got back when they announced it’s return. 

If you like zombie twinkies knock yer self out… they got them still I think. Someday that might be all we got left is zombie twinkies and I might have to learn to love them as much as avacados… which is growing on me. Not a big fan of eating it plain, but my nephew makes a choice guacamole and that got me dipping my chip in. His wife made us a really nice Adobo when we got to Texas. I’m making myself hungry now.

So long for now Choco Taco. If you make it back our way again please don’t be some kind of future hybrid robot virtual version. Just have all that Chocolate, Waffle, Caramel and Vanilla Ice Cream loaded with nuts. Even nuttier than this time we are in now.

Yes, I’m trying to control my sugar too so maybe go easy on me while you chill out for now. Pretty sure you will be back. Probably in time for dessert too…

Stay Frosty! -Scoocher 


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